I stared at the newspaper on my front drive,
I sighed, this was supposed to be a peaceful place to live, first the graveyard thefts and now this!? I carried on reading the passage,
'The three pictures stolen from the Twinbrooke museum of modern art were throught to have been valued at around £500 Pounds each, if anybody has any information about this crime please report it to the Twinbrooke Police society on 72 Maybelle road. The peices of art, all by Bella Piscanty were taken in the night time last thursday at around 10:30 PM . All the CCTV cameras were blocked with what looked like putty from the museums gift shop. Initials scraped into the wall gave the letters M.E. We cannot stress the ergency of the situation, these prize peices of art were the Museums most treasured possesions, and if returned within a week concequences will be forgottern though investigations will still be carried out.'
Flipping the useless paper in the trash, I closed the door and walked back inside our cozy little house. I hoped that our house at least would be safe from the mystery theif. I was expecting another baby soon, A little girl, Odette, we had decided to call her. Odette was the name of the girl in swan lake, a ballet I had recently seen and fallen in love with.
When I went to tell Nancy that she was expecting a sister, I couldn't help notice that she had an... Aroma? Around her, like the smell of the graveyard, how many times had I told her to stay away from that place, what with all the robberys going on, it was no place for a innocent little girl like her.
''Thats great Mum! Can we call her Candy?''
''No, Hon, were calling her Odette,''
''Geesh, girl will get teased to death,''
''And Candy won't?''
''Good point,'' I gave her a hug, she was so sweet, why she had been hanging out at the graveyard, I'm not sure,
''Uhmm, Honey, why don't you take a bath?''
''Sure Mummy, anything you want!!''
''Nance? Have you been anywhere you shouldn't?''
''What? Why would I do that?!''
''Well... Never-mind, I'll make you some dinner, it's really late, where were you?''
''At Josh's house, I told you, don't you trust me?''
''Of course I do Honey, Of course!''
I sat up in the middle of the night, I knew this feeling,
''Teth, it's time!!''
''Muh?'' He mumbled,
''Odette's on her way!''
''Teth!!! OUR DAUGHTER!!''
''Awh crap.''
Banya's Warehouse
The Story Storage Space!
Well done!! Your lost!! So you might as well have a quick flick through my story('s) while you at it. Welcome to My blog!
7 June 2011
4 June 2011
Okay, due to some rather annoying stuffs, I won't be updating for a while, It's my pictures, they won't load up, it just says:
Server Rejected, and won't let me add any pics, for now, I don't know how to fix it, but If any of you guys reading this now, if you are, please, if you have any advice please let me Know
Banya x
Server Rejected, and won't let me add any pics, for now, I don't know how to fix it, but If any of you guys reading this now, if you are, please, if you have any advice please let me Know
Banya x
25 April 2011
Chapter Nine - Plans.
Her parents arrived back from their honeymoon late. They missed her birthday. The poor girl.
I watched about four shows I shouldnt have...
I wasnt scared, or amused. I smiled to think I was doing something my parents didnt agree with.
''Nance!!!'' I heard my Mum call from upstairs,
''I've made you some breakfast!!'' I didnt move, but called back,
''Urmmm.. I already had some.... Cereal!''
''Hun, there's none left.''
''Ya, coz I finished it!'' I sighed at the stupidity of my mother, why couldnt she understand! She was a child once, right?
''Look,'' Mum yelled,
''Im feeling really sick today, all this week in fact, so could you stop being a pain, and just give me a break, please hunny.'' I thought about it,
''Well.... I think you might like to see the art museum, there's some amazing pictures you would love!'' She called, completely blanking my question.
''Fine!'' I yelled,
''I'll go to your stupid 'museum' and I'll look at your stupid 'Art,' and with that I exited through the back door, ignoring the sympathetic sighs of my mother,
''Oh, you are so like Rose'', and ''Darling please wait!'' Ect..
I stared around at the museum, Art.... Sculptures littering every space avalible, photographs lining the walls with shiny beautiful faces, and the paintings, there was nothing I wouldnt do to get my hands on those paintings..... Nothing.....
I stared at the most beautiful pictures, trying to concoct a plan.
A woman walked past with her friend,
''Oh, yes, the security is terrible, the guards keep getting Ill, and having time off, George is on holiday, and Ben has to stand in!! I bet he wont even look around, he'll just Peep in and then go off to his poker party.'' The people walked away, and I hatched a plan.
I stayed at the museum for the rest of the day, admiring the paintings, and generally picking out my favorites.
at seven o'clock, I sat down on the leather bench and appered to be looking around at the art, what I was really doing, was checking that all the guests had gone. All clear.
I casually lay down on the sofa, 'tired.'
I then 'went to sleep,' heh. I listened intently, and opened my eyes, very slightly.
The security guard, who was otherwise known as Ben, looked in through the door, and then exited the room,
'yes' I hissed under my breath, smelling victory, and leather of course.
I was then left alone in the empty museum, at nine o'clock at night, I figured I had done all I needed to, and I went to claim my gold.
Her parents arrived back from their honeymoon late. They missed her birthday. The poor girl.
What if you were the girl??!? I will never trust my parents. NEVER. If I... Just for example.. Might... Borrow something, without asking.... You know, just rent it out from a shop.. Without... Paying, I will bring this up!! ''I can't trust you! Why should you be able to trust me?? It's your fault!'' Anything to make myself feel better. From the guilt.
Mum and Dad were sleeping.
And I was downstairs, eating Icecream fro breakfast, which I 'Shouldnt be doing first thing in the morning' according to Mum.... Peh, Old people!I watched about four shows I shouldnt have...
I wasnt scared, or amused. I smiled to think I was doing something my parents didnt agree with.
Happily. As the morning progressed, I could hear my parents get up, and quickly switched channels,
Thats better.''Nance!!!'' I heard my Mum call from upstairs,
''I've made you some breakfast!!'' I didnt move, but called back,
''Urmmm.. I already had some.... Cereal!''
''Hun, there's none left.''
''Ya, coz I finished it!'' I sighed at the stupidity of my mother, why couldnt she understand! She was a child once, right?
''Look,'' Mum yelled,
''Im feeling really sick today, all this week in fact, so could you stop being a pain, and just give me a break, please hunny.'' I thought about it,
''Well.... I think you might like to see the art museum, there's some amazing pictures you would love!'' She called, completely blanking my question.
''Fine!'' I yelled,
''I'll go to your stupid 'museum' and I'll look at your stupid 'Art,' and with that I exited through the back door, ignoring the sympathetic sighs of my mother,
''Oh, you are so like Rose'', and ''Darling please wait!'' Ect..
I stared around at the museum, Art.... Sculptures littering every space avalible, photographs lining the walls with shiny beautiful faces, and the paintings, there was nothing I wouldnt do to get my hands on those paintings..... Nothing.....
I stared at the most beautiful pictures, trying to concoct a plan.
A woman walked past with her friend,
''Oh, yes, the security is terrible, the guards keep getting Ill, and having time off, George is on holiday, and Ben has to stand in!! I bet he wont even look around, he'll just Peep in and then go off to his poker party.'' The people walked away, and I hatched a plan.
I stayed at the museum for the rest of the day, admiring the paintings, and generally picking out my favorites.
at seven o'clock, I sat down on the leather bench and appered to be looking around at the art, what I was really doing, was checking that all the guests had gone. All clear.
I casually lay down on the sofa, 'tired.'
I then 'went to sleep,' heh. I listened intently, and opened my eyes, very slightly.
The security guard, who was otherwise known as Ben, looked in through the door, and then exited the room,
'yes' I hissed under my breath, smelling victory, and leather of course.
I was then left alone in the empty museum, at nine o'clock at night, I figured I had done all I needed to, and I went to claim my gold.
29 March 2011
Chapter eight- La beauté de la France et le mariage - Part two.
''I love you so much.'' I sighed, holding him tight.
''Not as much as I love you.'' He replied, a gentle sime playing across his lips.
''I dont want to leave!'' I sighed, breathing in the beautiful french scenery, admiringly.
''But we have to, what about Nance?'' He asked,
''Oh my little Nancy, how could you ever even suggest staying here Teth?'' I teased.
''Come on Hun, lets get going, its getting dark.'' He winked at me.
''You want one last kiss in France?'' Teth asked,
''You mean French kiss'' I giggled giddily, very excited, as it was Nancy's birthday today,
I had never felt happier, nothing could go wrong today. ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE FERRY HAS BEEN CANCELLED?!!?'' I screamed at the reception lady, whose white blonde hair, and perfect tan really annoyed me.
''Im sorry!'' She wimpered,
''You should have got a letter! Or an email... Or...''
''Not?'' I spat.
''Calm down Maz, we'll figure something out!'' Teth sighed, pushing me down into the nearest chair, and smiling reassuringly at me. Ten minuets later and we still havent achived anything. ''Im really sorry Sir, Ive been through all your cheques and files, and there is a note saying that you have been sent an email, a letter and said you... Oh... Havent signed it..'' She said. I sighed in dispair,

''Not as much as I love you.'' He replied, a gentle sime playing across his lips.
''I dont want to leave!'' I sighed, breathing in the beautiful french scenery, admiringly.
''But we have to, what about Nance?'' He asked,
''Oh my little Nancy, how could you ever even suggest staying here Teth?'' I teased.
''Come on Hun, lets get going, its getting dark.'' He winked at me.
''You want one last kiss in France?'' Teth asked,
''You mean French kiss'' I giggled giddily, very excited, as it was Nancy's birthday today,
I had never felt happier, nothing could go wrong today. ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE FERRY HAS BEEN CANCELLED?!!?'' I screamed at the reception lady, whose white blonde hair, and perfect tan really annoyed me.
''Im sorry!'' She wimpered,
''You should have got a letter! Or an email... Or...''
''Not?'' I spat.
''Calm down Maz, we'll figure something out!'' Teth sighed, pushing me down into the nearest chair, and smiling reassuringly at me. Ten minuets later and we still havent achived anything. ''Im really sorry Sir, Ive been through all your cheques and files, and there is a note saying that you have been sent an email, a letter and said you... Oh... Havent signed it..'' She said. I sighed in dispair,
''What are we going to do Teth?!? We'll miss Nancys birthday!! Our little girl.'' I said, mostly for the receptionists benifit rather than Teth's.
''Here, Ill check the ferry times, thats the best I can do, Im sorry,'' she sighed, and went over to a red list on the wall.

''Aha! Tomorrow morning! three o'clock, is the only space we have, all the other Ferry's are booked!''
I looked at Teth, he looked at me, A tear pricked at the corner of my eye, I was going to miss my beauty become a child, and I was going to miss it. My dak glasses hid it well though, and I blinked any further tears from my eyes.
''Ill Ring Patty, Im sure she wont mind celebrating Nancys birthday with her, right? Ill get her to send pictures.'' And the wait began.
Meanwhile......... P.O.V Of Patty (The baby-sitter)''Happy birthday Nancy!'' I laughed, as the lively little girl danced around me, she looked happy, and I was touched that Maisy trusted me to look after her. Within minuets, a young beauty stood before me.
Nancy Freak.
Chapter eight- La beauté de la France et le mariage - Part one
Five months in, and Nancy was settled in and ready, so were we, and it was time to think about our wedding. We didnt want it in twinbrook, we wanted a unique wedding, which landed us in...
I stared into his eyes, mesmerised that all this was happening so fast. I loved him. As we exchanged our vows, I thought back, back to darker days, after Rose died, and I realised that I couldnt be happier.
France! The perfect romantic destination. My wedding dress was packed and ready, and I was going to get married the following day!!
The Wedding
My heart was thumping, I was getting married, me!!! Married!! Yes! I couldnt belived it.
I stared at Teth, his storm grey eyes glinted int he rays of the french sun, and is perfect back suit shaped around his body perfectly, showing off his toned muscles classily.
20 March 2011
Chapter seven - Normal life.
The equation of life: BABY + JOB + BILLS - HARD.
Its not perfect, life, but I love it.
I knew, immediately that she was going to be hard to handle, and I was right! But me and Teth both adored her all the same, she had inhereted Teth's hair and eyes, and I want sure what she had got from me yet, hopefully not my luck! Within a few weeks, we had gotten used to her being around, and felt the urge to get out and about, to vistit venues that Nance might like to see when she was older, mostly beaches.
and so, we called out one of our closest friends, to babysit, and we headed out to the seaside!
We found many perfect beaches, and we must have had the best time ever since I proposed!
We were so loved up, and we felt so young, like our little baby had freshened up our relationship.
AUTHORS NOTE: Because of some lost files, this chapter is very short, im really sorry, CG, my only reader ;P
Its not perfect, life, but I love it.
I knew, immediately that she was going to be hard to handle, and I was right! But me and Teth both adored her all the same, she had inhereted Teth's hair and eyes, and I want sure what she had got from me yet, hopefully not my luck! Within a few weeks, we had gotten used to her being around, and felt the urge to get out and about, to vistit venues that Nance might like to see when she was older, mostly beaches.
and so, we called out one of our closest friends, to babysit, and we headed out to the seaside!
We found many perfect beaches, and we must have had the best time ever since I proposed!
We were so loved up, and we felt so young, like our little baby had freshened up our relationship.
AUTHORS NOTE: Because of some lost files, this chapter is very short, im really sorry, CG, my only reader ;P
9 March 2011
Chapter six - Love, Life and Pain - Part two
AH! AH! AH! Breeeeeeeeeeathe! Maisy! Breeeeeeeathe!
And so on... The one other thougth apart from 'PAIN' running through my frazzled brain was 'hospital' it was a small thought that was under the threat of being over ruled by a certain other. But I had to try right?
How I got out, im not sure, but there was now ANOTHER thought joining the other clumps of fluff and dead flies rattling around my empty encephalon (That means brain people!) 'Cold!' How could I have a baby outside in the freezing weather?! I needed to get back inside NOW!
Skip the taxi ride, where Teth told me his amazing idea of naming the baby out of the word Pregnancy, How I wish I could skip the painful birth, but it was so worth it! And so... Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, welcome into the world....
Nancy Freak!!
I Cluched my stomach and breathed, just like the lady at the cheap parenting classes told me to.
And so on... The one other thougth apart from 'PAIN' running through my frazzled brain was 'hospital' it was a small thought that was under the threat of being over ruled by a certain other. But I had to try right?
How I got out, im not sure, but there was now ANOTHER thought joining the other clumps of fluff and dead flies rattling around my empty encephalon (That means brain people!) 'Cold!' How could I have a baby outside in the freezing weather?! I needed to get back inside NOW!
The walk back was nothing short of agony.
After about three years,(or so..) A taxi pulled up outside the house, I didnt care who that was inside, I just wanted them out here, helping me give birth, NOW! Turns out it was Teth! Horrah. (not.)
He had a major freak out the second he got inside.
''Oh man!! Maisy!! What do I do!!??? PLEASE STOP IT!!'' I glared at thim through my jagged breaths,
''Sorry TETH! Im sure you regret getting me pregnant now! Say sorry, if you do, BECAUSE THIS IS NO TIME TO BE HAVING AN ARGUMENT!!!!''
''Okay!! Im sorry Maisy! Im sorry I got angry! Just, im not sure I want you to have my baby on our brand new carpet, lets pleeeease go to the hospital!! PLEASE!'' I had no time to tease him for acting like a baby, becasue, if I didnt get to hospital soon , I really was going to have this baby right this second.Skip the taxi ride, where Teth told me his amazing idea of naming the baby out of the word Pregnancy, How I wish I could skip the painful birth, but it was so worth it! And so... Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, welcome into the world....
Nancy Freak!!
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